Category Archives: Fotografia

Let’s celebrate the Word Day of Birds 2014

Sometimes we think that there are hobbies that are difficult to understand. The bird watching was something for biologists, naturalists, conservationists… probably we know few people around us who practice this hobby. But why is it gaining fans every year? I can only say that I don’t know much about birds but, one day that I was cycling in the Delta, curiosity made me enter one of the many hides that you can find along the tracks, and I stayed there for three hours! just enjoying the thrill of seeing birds living their daily life ignoring my presence, but above all … enjoying the silence, the quietness of my mind, the pride of having taken some photographs of birds very closely … it is not easy to have the birds so close. I can tell you that these feelings are addictive. It might be that we need nature to be part of our life again.

aus migratories

October the 1st was the World Bird Day and as every year we celebrate it on the first weekend of October. Delta del Ebro is the largest wetland in Catalonia and a very appreciated one in Europe, so the Natural Park of the Delta del Ebro, along with other organizations, organize annual activities to enjoy or get initiated in birdwatching.
You just need binoculars, or a camera with a good zoom, a birds guide to identify them (what a pleasure to call them by their name!) and talk softly softly …

To know the birds is the first step to love them. So what’s better than practicing love all over the weekend!


360º views from the bell tower-viewpoint of Poblenou del Delta

[youtube][/youtube] The bell tower of Poblenou del Delta is the highest point of  Delta del Ebro, an exceptional lookout to let our eyes relax and expand our sight in the length covered from the tower away to the horizon, flying over rice fields, salt works, lagoons and beaches, like the birds that yearly pay us a visit. From Easter ahead, the bell tower will be open to visitors. Don’t miss this beautiful experience.