Tag Archives: Fiesta

Amazing Carnival in Vinaros


From 6th to 16th February

At only half an hour drive from our hotel in Poble Nou del Delta, the most amazing celebration is expecting you! The whole city of Vinaros is devoted to the organization and performance of the Carnival. It has been held already since 1871 and, in spite of its prohibition during the Franco’s dictatorship, it has been growing and improving every year. Now 34 “comparsas” or dancers groups and thousands of dancers turn the several parades into rivers of colour, music, vibration and joy. Do you really need to go to Salvador de Bahia?

Very recommeded. Don’t miss it!


Artichoke festivity in Amposta!

carxofaNature takes care of us, helps us to be healthy and for such an effect it gives us the artichokes in winter. There might be a reason why!! The artichoke is a food – medicine especially indicated to give a hand to the liver, this organ that works so hard and complains so little. In this link you will find the curative properties of the artichoke (in Catalan), but what we strongly recommend you is to visit Amposta and enjoy the Festivity of Artichoke till 16thMarch, and take the chance to taste artichokes in surprising recipes, learn how to cook them and, for those who need it, to become reconciled by this vegetable!

There are not many festivities dedicated to the artichoke… Thank you Amposta for thinking on it.

In Poblenou del Delta, you will be able to taste exquisite artichoke plates in the restaurants near to our hotel. We wait for your visit!